Friday, May 27, 2005

"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin." - H. L. Mencken. Saying provided by Denise

She also asked me "What would an optimistic cynic look for Andy?", because of my post a few weeks ago (entitled "funny sayings") where I talked about how I discovered I may be an "optimistic cynic". My answer will appear below if you click here.


Blogger AndyOfVermont said...

Great question Denise! Yes, I declared myself (and invented the term, I think) an "optimistic cynic" in my Miscellaneous Ramblings post entitled "Funny Sayings". Hmmm, but I think I'm going to have to disagree with Menckin. I would call the person in the saying a pessimist. Its the same person who, after a snow, would say "I know I'm going to get my car stuck", or upon seeing an apple would assume there's a worm in it.

No, I think a cynic, upon smelling the flowers, might snicker and say something like, "typical suburbanites... look at all the money these people spend trying to keep up with the Jones's".

Whereas the optimistic cynic might say, "Isn't it great that there are so many people shallow enough to spend this much money keeping up with each other? Think of all the jobs it creates in the lawn and garden stores". The more enterprising optimistic cynic might even open a flower shop.

May 28, 2005  

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